Title : Artificial Intelligence and Architectural Design: Datafication and Digitalization of the Real
Lecturer : Philippe Marin
Director of MHA Laboratory,
Grenoble School of Architecture, Université Grenoble Alpes
Introduction : Fabriccio Tucci
Director of the Department of Planning, Design, Architectural Technology,
Sapienza Università di Roma
Abstract :
The lecture focuses on the architectural design processes and digital tooling. The aim is to characterise three main design processes models: the transformation model, the parametric model and the recent generative model. Starting from an historical perspective and considering the first form of architecture digitalisation, we will look at recent practices by considering 5 typical activities: Modelling, visualisation, simulation, creation, fabrication and hybridization. The third part of the presentation will stop on Artificial Intelligence and examine some of its applications to architectural design. After a brief definition and theoretical understanding of AI, we will visit concrete examples that address ideation and early design phase, generative design, optimisation and performance analysis, urban planning analysis. The challenges involved will be discussed.
Date :
16 June 2023 9:30-13:30 I Aula Piccinato
Dipartimento di Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell’Architettura
Sapienza Università di Roma
Via Flaminia, 72 I Roma
Marin, P. (2023, juin). Artificial Intelligence and Architectural Design: Datafication and Digitalization of the Real [Conférence publique].